An iPhone app for identifying songs played on the radio
"What the FM?": An iPhone app for identifying songs played on the radio created in collaboration with Patrick Raycroft.

WTFM allows users to see the songs playing at participating radio stations. The list of songs and the currently-playing song (or ad) is continuously pushed to the app. Tapping on a song allows a user to view more information, including a 30-second preview via the iTunes API. Users can favorite a song so as to remember it later or they can buy it directly form the iTunes Purchase button. Tapping on an ad will take the user to the website for that promotion.

Tapping the button in the upper-left-hand corner shows the list of radio stations in range to the user's GPS coordinates as well as their saved favorite stations. Tapping the button in the upper-right-corner shows a list of the songs that the user has 'favorited'.

The companion web application allows radio station DJs/staff to update their playlists in real time. Auto-completion suggestions from the iTunes API allow DJs to quickly add songs to their queue with full metadata by only typing part of the song's name/artist's name and selecting the appropriate result. Songs in the upcoming queue can be re-ordered or removed. When the DJ plays the next song, they simply click the "Next" button or press the "N" key on their keyboard. The time the song was started is automatically recorded and the change in song is pushed out to all users following the station in the WTFM app. The interface is completely keyboard-mapped so that DJs can quickly update their playlist without a click of their mouse.